There are several different types of telescopes. Each has there merits, and it is a good idea to know the difference when looking to buy telescopes. In this article, you will soon discover the main differences in the different types of telescopes, and find out which is the best to buy to get the most from astronomy.
There are many different types of telescopes. However out of all the different types of telescopes there are only 2 which we really need to focus on. The reason is price, and the ease of finding them.
The 2 main different types of telescopes are:
1. Reflector Telescopes
2. Refractor Telescopes
There are also another type which will often be found, especially on the new style of computerized go to telescopes, such as the Meade ETX range, and that is the Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes.
In the different types of telescopes let us look at refractor telescopes first. Refractor telescopes are by far the easiest telescope to use, and most known.
Refractor telescopes were first invented by Galileo Galilee. His famous design is now the default image that comes to mind when we think of telescopes, and is also the design found in binoculars.
The refractor telescope is a long tube design. The light enters from the top and travels through the lens through the front, and goes towards the back where lenses lead to the eye.
The great benefit with refractor telescopes is that it is all enclosed meaning that dust cant get inside, which ultimately means less maintenance. This meaning obviously a telescope which will work for longer.
The tripod and mount is also great and allows the ease of use, which is great for children and people who dont want to fiddle about with Equatorial mounts and other types which require proper adjustment.
The problem with refractors is that they are very expensive. Due to the lenses being very expensive they are only feasible in small sizes. If you want a big telescope, then refractors are not the best move.
Let us look at reflector telescopes now. These telescopes were first invented by Isaac Newton. They are great because they can be made into very large designs. Observatories are more likely to have something based off a reflector rather than a refractor, due to cost verses performance metrics.
The reflector has a much wider tube. As light enters the open top, it travels to the back of the telescope where it meats a mirror. This mirror focuses light as well as magnifies it. The light then travels back up the telescope towards the top where it meets a secondary mirror which is on a spider mount.
The light is focused through lenses on the side of the telescope straight into your eye! This is an ingenious design and because of the ease of sourcing and making these parts, telescope manufacturers can make some very large telescopes.
The benefit is that they can be very big and cost so little. The problem is that it is all open and will require maintenance every few years. The bonus is that compared to refractors the price difference is amazing.